As schools have been using our Transport & Dismissal module for a few months, it is clear that SchoolsBuddy is leading the way in a number of areas, particularly saving time when making changes.

School Transport Lists – DYNAMIC UPDATES

Screenshot 2021 01 28 at 13.54.51By far the most talked about of all our features, our dynamic updates make automatic adjustments to bus/dismissal lists based on a number of factors e.g. [visual representation with columns]

  • A student joins a regular after school activity or one-off event.
  • A parent requests a one-off change to their child’s usual transport for a play date or late study, for example.
  • A student leaves an after school activity or it is cancelled.

When a change is made by an admin or a parent request is approved by an admin, the following automatically takes place – 

  1. undraw confirmed 81exThe student will be marked as ‘not-expected’ on their original bus register with the reason shown.
  2. The student will appear on the attendance register of the new transport method as ‘expected’.
  3. The student/parent diaries will be auto-updated to the new transport method for that day (or days).
  4. An email confirming the change will be sent to the parent.



Simply by finding the transport event in their parent diary, and clicking on the ‘Change’ button. They will be prompted to make the change they need, with a reason, and submit for approval.
Changes will not be made to any registers or lists until a school Transport Admin approves the request which then triggers the automatic adjustments.


SchoolsBuddy’s Transport & Dismissal module has a huge number of unique and helpful features to save you huge amounts of administration time. Find out more from our friendly team who can provide a short, live demonstration of the Transport Module.

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